Be wary while traveling in Alaska and you hear the screams of a woman or a crying baby. You could be falling into the trap of the cunning Kushtaka. This half man half otter shape shifter from Tlingit folklore will either kidnap you and turn you into a Kushtaka if lucky or tear you to pieces.
The Kushtaka could be very kind and save you from freezing if lost in the Alaskan wilderness. The trade off is you would be turned into a kushtaka so you wouldn’t freeze to death. A fair trade off isn’t it? The mischievous Kushtaka will lure you to the waters edge and tear you to pieces. Not a good ending.
Being a shapeshifter the Kushtaka could take the shape of family and friends to confuse you and lure you until it is too late. Never fear though, you can protect yourself. Dogs can be very useful in warding off and exposing a Kushtaka in disguise. Urine is also said to ward them off which is no problem because if I saw one, well you know.
It is said the Kushtaka are partial to young children to turn into Kushtakas. Which may be why the legend grew. To scare the Tlingit children away from the water. That’s good parenting. Either way if traveling in Southeastern Alaska make sure you bring your dog and a full bladder.