You are currently viewing MOVIE REVIEW: “Nope”


Jordan Peel’s “Nope” gets a nope from me. Spoiler free review.

Nope movie posterDon’t get me wrong I didn’t totally hate this movie. It is well made, and the concept is very interesting.  We follow the key cast discovering and investigating the strange happenings in their isolated part of California. Each major character struggling with some tragedy in their lives. Trying to save the family business, recapturing the success of their youth or getting that movie shot that will define their career. Whatever is happing in the sky holds the key to changing their lives for better or worse.

Nope Pic 3We slowly uncover clues to what this thing in the sky is and that is my major problem with this movie is. It is such a very slow build up to the climax of the movie. I don’t need wall to wall action and I wish more movies would take this more intimate way of storytelling. I never felt the tension building throughout this movie. It may be how two characters in the movie were played in such a deadpan way. The monotone dialog diffused any tension or anticipation the story could bring.

Nope pic 1After plotting through the movie, we finally get to the big reveal, the action picks up and the big finish. In the end only one of the three struggles is actually answered. I was left wanting for more. There are things to like about this movie so I wouldn’t say don’t bother with it. Just don’t go into it with great expectations.

2 out of 5 stars

Image source IMDb

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