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Urban Legend: Miniwashitu – North Dakotas Sasquatch or mutant buffalo?

Miniwashitu urban legendIf traveling near the Missouri River in North Dakota keep your eyes open for a red, hairy serpent of the Missouri River, with one eye, a horn, and sharp spines along its back. Its appearance was accompanied by a terrifying roar. This legendary beast called the Miniwashitu stands 7-8 feet tall, a ridge of sharp bone spurs down its spine and the single horn atop its head. This hybrid of a bison and rhinoceros, with its red fur, would certainly be terrifying if stumbled upon. Lucky for us their diet is largely plants and fish. Miniwashitu hibernate under the ice in rivers during the winter, breaking their way out with their powerful horn when spring thaw begins. Mainly a solitary creature, it will intensely protect its territory reacting violently to any intruder.

Word of warning: they say that if this dreadful being was seen by anyone in the daytime whomever saw it soon after became crazy and continued restless and writhing as though in pain until he was relieved by death.

On second thought don’t keep your eyes open.


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