You are currently viewing MOVIE REVIEW #3: CREATURE CABIN


Source – FilmAffinity

Creature Cabin (AKA Tarnation) 2017

I have one rule when watching a movie, NEVER TURN IT OFF BEFORE THE END. I had my finger on the off button after five minutes of this movie. We open with a fight scene that makes the worst professional wrestling look real. A demon unicorn head that looks made of paper Mache and a death blow that misses by at least two feet. Controller in hand finger on the exit button. Then a voice in my head said no don’t do it. It may turn out to be good. The voice in my head was right.

Daniel Armstrong’s tribute to the Evil Dead franchise was a fun nostalgic romp. I say tribute because the Evil Dead movie poster shows up no less than three times and there are plenty of winks to the movie throughout. Our heroine loses her job as lead singer to a band, her boyfriend, cat and the sofa all in the same evening. After a hard night of drinking, they embark to a cabin in the woods to take her mind off things. Nothing good ever happens when a cabin the woods is involved.

One cursed picture later and she quickly must mature into a force doing battle with the evil that is taking over her friends.

Source – IMDB

Are they possessed aren’t they possessed the question that must be asked throughout the movie. Fight scenes don’t get much better but campy enough to be enjoyable. The acting is good and I loved the music in this. I give them kudos for using old school effects. The use of CGI blood splatter is terrible.

Source – IMDB

Plenty of gore, sex and laughs to go around. Concluding in a rap battle with the devil himself.

If you haven’t seen the Evil Dead series, stop everything and go watch it now. Then watch this movie and don’t hit the stop button.

Rating 3 out of 5

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